2024 Season Points Standings

Here is the 2024 season points race, showing points earned in each event for every driver:

Non-Pro Class Standings
Pro Class Standings

And here are provisional year-end points, taking into account eligibility requirements (drivers must complete five events in one class to be eligible for a year-end award):

Year-End Class Rankings
Year-End Pro Class Rankings

As a reminder, here's how points are awarded per event:

1st place award ……………………………..….20
2nd place award with 4-6 entries………16
3rd place award with 7-9 entries……….13
4th place award with 10-13 entries……11
5th place award with 14+ entries…….…9
6th place……………………………………………..7
7th place……………………………………………..5
8th place……………………………………………..4
9th place……………………………………………..3
10th place…………………………………………..2

Only members are eligible for year-end awards. If you'd like to compete for season points, join the club for only $25!

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