New Website!

Triad's original website was developed in PHP in the early 2000s. It was lovingly maintained by a series of club volunteers, but it fell behind technology and accrued a lot of bloat in 20 years; at the same time, the number of club officers who could write PHP and HTML was dwindling. Without regular content updates, its use as a member resource was limited, and many members (and even some officers!) forgot it existed, relying instead on Facebook and Discord for club news.

Original Triad Site

In 2020, we decided it was time for a complete overhaul, but it's still taken a couple of years (things move slowly in volunteer-land) to roll out something new.

More News

Jump into the season points race!
We're a week late, but we'll be at Mario's on Thursday, May 16!
2024 is still warming up, but we have a preliminary schedule for you!
With our fourth points event under our belts, here are the 2023 season points standings so far!